Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, here it is, another few months, another update. You can see this blog gives you right up to the minute info! ;)

Since I last posted, I found myself involved in a masters' swim group. It was a slippery day, and I'd been in the Y for my run. Afterward, I saw a sign announcing that a masters' swim group was being formed. Without too much thought, I whipped out my pen and signed the list...with a question mark after my name, my one hedge. Later, I called the coach to get more information, to see if I was crazy for doing this, to see if everyone else was a super-competitive former college swimmer or experienced triathlete. Would someone who knew how to swim and had some running fitness be able to fit in? I was assured that I should be fine.

On the first day, wobbling out after 2000 yards, I wondered. But then as the weeks went on, I found I had more endurance, could swim a little faster (not to keep up with the real competitors, but feeling there was improvement.

And then, as it turned out, I had the chance to tell my story in the News of Delaware County. Here's a link to the March 16 article:

It happened that I'd asked the sports editor about another article, but told him that if that didn't work for him, I had recently started swimming with a local masters' group and perhaps he'd be interested in such an article. As it turned out, he was.

My original reason for joining the group was to help my running--it's done that and more! I enjoy both sports for themselves and notice that they seem to feed into each other. When I swim, especially the longer repeats, I notice that my running endurance makes a difference. Lately, I am faster with the kickboard, even passing someone I could never pass before. (But never mind. She keeps me humble when it comes to the rest of the workout.)

And I seem to recover faster from long runs and interval workouts, get less sore, have more stamina. All good! The next entry will give you an idea of how good.


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