Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

A "year in review" post will come later. Today, since it's Christmas, I want to wish my readers a Merry Christmas--and since it's also the midst of Hanukkah, I want to wish you all a happy Hanukkah. Rather than look at the contradictions among the different faiths, I prefer to see the harmony. Christmas and Hanukkah both arise from the need to shine the light into darkness, and in this time of economic crisis, we also dare to hope, dare to believe in new life and in a light that lasts despite everything.

With that, my Christmas/Hanukkah greeting/blessing:

To all

May your celebrations be
laced with light,
overflowing with joy.

May the new year
bring new promise, new energy, new


Blessings! Pax vobiscum, Pacem in terris,