Rainy run
Bryn Mawr Running Club workout canceled due to weather--news I learned with a mixture of relief and disappointment. I'm crazy enough that I'd planned to go if the workout were on. But when I phoned to be sure and learned of the cancellation, I must admit it simplified my evening--go to the Y, do some type of workout on the treadmill, and head home, mostly dry except for the trip to and from.
But treadmills have time limits, and even with some finessing (get on mill, get off after warming up, back on again for workout, off and back on for cool-down), simplicity once more gave way to complication. No time limits outdoors!
But it's raining and windy and cold and tree branches could fall on me... maybe even trees.
Still, my knee was mildly wobbly during the 5k on Saturday (a race that turned into a 6k or so, but that's a story for another day). Did I really want to do a speed workout? And if not, why not just run outdoors. How bad could it be?
But it was raining and windy and cold and tree branches could fall on me... maybe even trees.
Putting on my running clothes, I wondered whether to dress for indoors (to run on treadmill--but then would have to wear winter clothes on top, then peel back down to summer outfit inside, etc. etc. Why not just wear the winter gear and run outdoors--no change required, except maybe if I start feeling warm enough to remove jacket.
But it was raining and windy and cold and tree branches could fall on me... maybe even trees.
Still, I found myself going for the winter gear--and the knit hat, which probably was a sign from my brain saying, "you know you want to be outside, so do me the favor of keeping me warm."
The decision made, I headed outside, winter running gear on--and as soon as I stepped out the door....
... it was raining and windy and cold and tree branches could fall on me... maybe even trees.
"You CAN still go to the Y, you know," said my more sensible self. Ignoring her, I broke into a run.
Six miles was my plan, meaning four laps around my hilly loop ("well," said sensible self, "at least that gives you a chance to change your mind every lap").
Yet one lap led to another, and the colors of spring took on a sheen in the rain--willow and forsythia and daffodils, and decorations in yards--a pair of rainbow colored pinwheels, an inflatable person-size Easter bunny blown back on its butt due to wind, a Dodge Neon in neon yellow. Occasional passers-by laughed about how cold it was. The understanding smiles of those who brave the weather willingly or not. Stood still for a moment on the last lap to listen to the "twits" of cardinals hidden in some trees--saw a quick glimpse of a female cardinal, but most kept hidden. And so eventually I trotted off, realizing that I'd stood in one place for several minutes in rain, wind, and cold--to catch sight of cardinals. Cold? It was cold? Rain? I was ALMOST ready to take off my jacket.
Still, it was time to head home from my short adventure.
And it was raining and windy and cold and tree branches could have fallen on me... maybe even trees. But they did not. It was a good run. I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
Well, Diane, I am not the runner or the swimmer that you are but I can identify with your prayer life and the rhythm of it.
I have a good priest friend who runs retreats and knows about different temperaments. He tells me how some people are rosary prayers and how some are not and how each of us finds our way to talk to God in the wee small hours of the morning or when things go bump in the night or under those scary waters that you swim in so fearlessly!
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